Introducing : Silvia Travelcan

Well after months of hard work and many sleepless nights - Silvia is finally done! When we first got her she was in need of some serious updates.  She needed to be brightened up...a lot.  What a transformation she has been through. The vision for my design was to find my own style which consists …

Almost There

My Husband is truly incredible. He finished our dining table + stained it.  He finished our dining bench + stained it.  And he completed the installation of the counter tops, sinks and the wood floor. The stove and fridge were installed.  It was starting to come together. The tile in the bathroom I am in …

A Visit from Mom

My Mother is simply wonderful.  And my Dad is wonderful for letting her come out from Washington State to help me sew a few things. For as long as I can remember there has been a struggle to find what I am looking for when it comes to fashion or design.  But, if I happen …


After several paint gun malfunctions - Silvia is finally painted. Since this was a one-man job, these pics were taken with Travis' phone so I apologize for the crummy quality.   Although masking off sections for this paint job was a pain, it wasn't anything compared to the numbers of coats that some areas had to …

Paint Prep

Where to begin. You know the rope used in tug-a-war?  The one that is pulled from one side to the other, vigorously?  Well, that's how Travis and I feel.  Being pulled by the house on one side and the trailer on the other.  We've been trying to conquer both worlds, find time to give each …